Anjaneyam Ayurvedic Hospital

How to reach ?

Nearest Airports:

1) Kannur International Airport (CNN)- 70.4 KM Distance

2) Mangalore International Airport (IXE)- 125KM Distance.

3) Kozhikode International Airport (CCJ)- 171KM Distance.

From all the above three Airports, people can reach Anjaneyam Ayurvedic Hospital by means of Busses, Trains and also by means of taxi.

You should head towards the place named PAYYANUR if you are taking bus or train. From there you can take another bus towards Padiyottuchal, Cherupuzha, Pulingome routes. If you tell the bus driver, they can assist you to get down at the stop Machiyil. (Approximately 30KM from Payyanur Bus Station)

People taking taxi can directly get down at Anjaneyam Ayurvedic Hospital and will take approximately 30 minutes to reach from Payyanur.

Distance from

Please Note: Below Google Map Direction is based on the traffic when we took the screenshot for a reference. Travel time can slightly vary based on the traffic at that time.

Kannur International Airport (CNN)

Mangalore International Airport (IXE)

Kozhikode International Airport (CCJ)

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