Anjaneyam Ayurvedic Hospital

Dry, Cracked Skin

Dry and cracked skin can be uncomfortable, but our Ayurvedic therapies provide deep nourishment and hydration. We offer personalized treatments that include herbal moisturizers, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle adjustments to replenish moisture, restore skin barrier function, and promote soft and supple skin.


Melasma can be a persistent pigmentation concern, but our Ayurvedic interventions aim to restore an even skin tone. We offer personalized treatments that focus on regulating melanin production, reducing pigmentation, and protecting the skin from sun damage through herbal formulations, topical therapies, and sun protection strategies.

Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis requires careful management, and our Ayurvedic treatments provide effective solutions. We focus on soothing skin irritation, reducing inflammation, and promoting healing through personalized herbal remedies, topical applications, and lifestyle modifications, helping you find relief from contact dermatitis.


If you’re struggling with eczema, our Ayurvedic treatments aim to reduce inflammation, relieve itching, and restore skin health. We offer personalized care that includes herbal formulations, lifestyle adjustments, and dietary guidance to soothe eczema symptoms, promote skin hydration, and prevent flare-ups.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections can be uncomfortable, but our Ayurvedic therapies can help you find relief. We focus on eliminating fungal overgrowth, soothing irritation, and preventing recurrence through herbal antifungal treatments, topical applications, and hygiene recommendations, promoting healthy and infection-free skin.


Vitiligo requires comprehensive care, and our Ayurvedic treatments offer a holistic approach. We aim to regulate immune responses, promote melanin production, and restore skin pigmentation through personalized herbal remedies, dietary modifications, and therapeutic techniques, helping you achieve a more uniform complexion.


Psoriasis can be a challenging condition, but our Ayurvedic interventions aim to alleviate symptoms and promote skin healing. We provide personalized treatments that focus on detoxification, reducing inflammation, and restoring skin balance through herbal formulations, dietary adjustments, and specialized therapies.


If you’re experiencing hair loss or alopecia, our Ayurvedic treatments offer effective solutions. We address underlying imbalances, nourish hair follicles, and stimulate hair growth through customized herbal remedies, scalp therapies, and dietary guidance, helping you regain healthy and vibrant hair.


At Anjaneyam Ayurvedic Hospital, we understand the impact acne can have on your confidence. Our Ayurvedic treatments focus on purifying the blood, reducing inflammation, and balancing sebum production. Through personalized herbal formulations, dietary recommendations, and lifestyle modifications, we aim to treat acne from its root causes, promoting clear and healthy skin.

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency

Premature ovarian insufficiency can be challenging, but our Ayurvedic treatments offer supportive care. We focus on nourishing the ovaries, balancing hormones, and improving overall reproductive health through personalized therapies, herbal formulations, and lifestyle adjustments.

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